
NEW YEAR- 2017 Resolutions

The holidays were insane this year. Christmas was fantastic! I loved getting to spend time with family and friends, and really unplug for a week. On New Year’s Eve my boyfriend and I went to a wine and painting night and had a great dinner. New Year’s is our anniversary, and even though I had a cold and wasn’t feeling well, we still made the best of it!

I couldn’t be happier to be in a new year. Like everyone does every year, I’ve made a few resolutions:

-Be more health conscious. I’m working on eating better, and pushing myself to get back to the gym. I have some exciting things coming up this summer, and I want to be in better shape!

-Be more organized. I’ve been ordering pieces off Amazon to clean up our cabinets and closets – I want to declutter my life and make things easier.

-Take more risks. I’ve always been pretty cautious with the way I run my life, but I want to branch out and and take chances in all facets of my life.

What are your goals for the New Year?
